Detail of work in progress
Work in progress
Self Portrait with Pom-Poms
The Other World Becomes Visible
The Floating Head
The Visitor from Sirius B. Photos by Scott Kreider
The Visitor from Sirius B. Photos by Scott Kreider
The Visitor from Sirius B. Photos by Scott Kreider
The Visitor from Sirius B. Photos by Scott Kreider
Baba of The Woods. Photos by Tifani Truelove
Baba of The Woods. Photos by Tifani Truelove
Detail of work in progress
Work in progress
Self Portrait with Pom-Poms
The Other World Becomes Visible
The Floating Head
The Visitor from Sirius B. Photos by Scott Kreider
The Visitor from Sirius B. Photos by Scott Kreider
The Visitor from Sirius B. Photos by Scott Kreider
The Visitor from Sirius B. Photos by Scott Kreider
Baba of The Woods. Photos by Tifani Truelove
Baba of The Woods. Photos by Tifani Truelove